LimitlessHate Co-Owner, Host of Fugue State


Co-Owner, Host of Fugue State


Show: Fugue State, Thursdays at 8pm EST (1am GMT)

The one, the pony!


Trudging through the pony fandom from the bottom up, Limitless had the bright idea to provide the now-defunct iBrony social network with its own music stream, iBrony Radio, in May 2012. However, it wasn't long before his spaghetti-sense took to tingling, with the iBR crew gracefully departing the mothership in November 2012 in order to reorganize as Ponyville FM and form the core of what would become the Ponyville Live network. Today, he's just as pleased as hot sauce spiked punched to be a part of the team that ensures his beloved PonyvilleFM continues to bring listeners new and old the indisputably coolest listening experience, wherever you are on the pony planet! Catch #FugueState with LH8 every Thursday at 8pm Eastern/7pm Central and kick it to your new favorite songs, ONLY on PonyvilleFM!

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Shows hosted by LimitlessHate

12 AM: Fugue State

Fridays from 12AM

Go on a dissociative romp: #FugueState w/ @LimitlessHate is NEXT on @PonyvilleFM #brony